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Pinewood's hovercraft sets precedent for hovercraft technology

By Chuba7

Near the first of the year, Jasonlee2 and XYLEM Technologies of Pinewood brought Pienwood a hovercraft of incredibly dense technology. Seriously! This hovercraft has more technology than Pinewood's ADE 100! A step in the right direction for Pinewood, the hovercraft boasts an artificial intelligence by the name of Sara, fully integrated GUI controls, incredibly stable flight, and a morotized cockpit door.

Looks like a bunch of CSG, right? Incorrect! The hovercraft, believe it or not, was constructed with no CSG whasoever. It took some convincing, but jasonlee2 finally decided to compress as many of the thousands of parts as humanly possible after being told the hovercraft could potentially lag largescale places such at the Computer Core.

When I first stepped into the vehicle, I was greeted by Sara's voice, "Access granted". That alone made me love it already. But just as I was about to start it, jasonlee2 said, "Ask sara to start it for you". I typed in the command bar, "Alright Sara, start the engine". The engines glowed neon blue and the vehicle lifted off the ground. Wow was I loving it! I took it for a fly (not a spin), soaring through the sky as I asked Sara to play me a song. It was a very fancy ride. But as all with great things, it had to end. I landed it by telling Sara to stop the engines, and the vehicle did just that. I got out greeted by daylight and eager to know to what Pinewood has for the near future. This could be a big step for Pinewood Builders. Thanks for reading, Chuba7.


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