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Our Technologies
[NEW] Pinewood Mark-I Hovercraft

Near the first of the year, Jasonlee2 and XYLEM Technologies of Pinewood brought Pinewood a hovercraft of incredibly dense technology. Seriously! This hovercraft has more technology than Pinewood's ADE 100! A step in the right direction for Pinewood, the hovercraft boasts an artificial intelligence by the name of Sara, fully integrated GUI controls, incredibly stable flight, and a morotized cockpit door.
Looks like a bunch of CSG, right? Incorrect! The hovercraft, believe it or not, was constructed with no CSG whatsoever.
KUKA 16-2 Robotic Arm

The KUKA 16-12 was the first ever working robotic arm on ROBLOX. Developed in 2012 by SigmaTech, the robotic arm featured incrediby robust motors that baffled ROBLOX physicists all around. The motors allowed for the most accurate of movements, making it possible to put a car on it and have it lay on a 0 degree incline. It's so level, you could put a ball on a flat surface on that thing and that baby would not roll.
For quite a while such technology- that is, robust motors, were a crazy thing that nobody ever used. Now it's slowly becomming a norm in some games such as Wheel of Fortune by alexnewtron.
SigmaTech got his inspiration from the factory his dad works at, Anheuser Bush, where there are KUKA robots everywhere. SigmaTech's dad even got him a whole KRC Programming handbook to assist in the mathematical creations.
The Canadarm

The Canadarm is a real-life robotic arm aboard the international space station and was a part of the payload in NASA's STS program. (The STS program ended with space shuttle Atlantis, STS-135) This ROBLOX canadarm, built by SigmaTech, was the first working Canadarm on ROBLOX, built for AlphaNebula's space shuttle Constellaltion - "Project Insanity".

[Mars Science Laboratory] Curiosity Rober
Rebuilt in 2013 from the original 2012 prototype, the ROBLOX MSL Curiosity still stands as the most accurately built Curiosity rover on ROBLOX. It was built from inspiration of the November 2012 launch of the MSL Curiosity rover, an expedition carried out by NASA. The real rover is still roving today and still stands as the heaviest Mars rover ever built by man.
The ROBLOX version features a working Rocker-Bogie suspension system as the real rover has, which was hair-tearing for SigmaTech to get done right as parts decided to keep falling apart. The other thing we don't see every day is the retractable suspension system, geared by ROBLOX's most accurate motors, pivoted on the most unstable hinges on earth (ROBLOX Hinges).
By and large, the Curiosity Rover still stands as one of the best rover in ROBLOX.

Originally built by Rukiryo for Pinewood's anti-terrorism unit, the ADE-100 drone served as an emergency deployment device at Pinewood Headquarters in 2012. Now it's just collecting dust. The remote weaponry allowed the anti-terrorism unit to clear out the problem site without becomming exposed to enemy fire. This became extremely important with Glock smugglers and weapons exploiters, but quickly became depreciated as the whole thing could just be prevented with scripts in the first place.
The Pinewood Intelligence Agency's anti-exploit scripts are now in place of the ADE drone, making it pretty much useless now.
Rukiryo later left Pinewood and released the drone to the public. Now various groups use the drone, but it all started here in Pinewood.