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Pinewood Space Shuttle Advantage

Hey, guys This is SpyAgent388 here and welcome to this week's article where we are going to explore the Pinewood Space shuttle advantage known as the PBSSA.

I first went outside to see the shuttle waiting to be launched and as others on my server were wanting to board the shuttle I decided to do some exploring and I later came to a stop at the lift that would take everyone to the rocket, sadly I stayed behind.

As others were boarding it was T - 40 Seconds until launch so I ran to my position and as the last people were boarding on the shuttle it was time for the astronauts to go into outer space!

When the rocket launched lots of smoke started coming but the view was totally worth it.

That was the last of my journey, but it was a very interesting one, If your interested in riding on this shuttle feel free to try it out here:

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